Friday 29 April 2011

Royal Wedding - Worship

The Royal Wedding of Prince William and Catherine was truly a spectacular event. But more than the actual wedding and the whole romance around the event what struck me was the Glory of Christendom.

I am conscious of the fact that the Royal family including the newly married couple pay only a lip-service to their so called Christian faith, proof of which is Catherine deciding to omit the word "obey", but who really cares what the Royal family thinks and does?? The Church of Jesus Christ has stood strong and is ever increasing.

I dont know about the rest of the folks watching the event but it was astonishing to see Christ rule & reign and the worship that was offered to HIM. Christianity has come a far away from its modest begining in Jerusalem when Jesus started his work with 12 disciples. He never raised an army,did not overthrew any government, never even wrote a book and apparently worked (ministry) only for 3 years. I must also add that his disciples were sort of a Motley Crew. But today the world worships HIM. Isnt that a miracle in itself, that inspite of such an unconvential beginings, people around the world trust in HIM and worship HIM. Some even give their life for HIM. Who is this Son of Man that who takes all the glory? How can one MAN influence the world in such a way. Only the Spirit of God can make this happen, the Spirit of God which rests upon his beloved SON Jesus Christ

Looking at Westminister Abbey and listening to hymns made me realise why David wanted to build a temple to Our God. It was his act of worship. I agree that God cannot be accomodated in a building or what can we offer to a God who is the creator of Heaven and Earth. But God delights in these little things we try to do for HIM. We dont do this to gain acceptance, but we do this to bring joy to HIM. Sometimes songs and music is not enough to express the way we feel for GOD. Thats why perhaps David and people who created buildings like Westminister Abbey, St Paul Cathedral and Vatican - to take their worship to next level.

Yes to the next level but will the levels be ever exhausted??.. I dont think so..

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