Sunday 5 February 2012

Democratic Government or Democratic Values?

For the past couple of decades, as a foreign policy, governments in the West have endeavoured to see democracy as a form of governance prospering around the globe. The fall of Berlin Wall followed by the fall of communist regimes seems to have vindicated their stand.

So the question is, is democratic government the political answer to all the world’s problems?

Democracy can broadly be defined as the rule of people. But in order to rule over themselves do people know what is good or bad for them? What ethics or moral system do they identify themselves with? Does their moral system believe in equal rights? Democratic setup is often considered a Greco-Roman invention, but did the Greeks & Romans considered all their subjects equal? How do we explain the endless brutalities, gladiators, slaves, in these empires? Were there any institutional or governmental reforms for the upliftment of these marginalised subjects of these empires? I don’t know of any. Also, this is quite ironical considering that in modern democracy we consider equality as the foundation stone of a democracy.

I believe Greco-Roman law system gave us institutions that help us run modern democracies but more than these institutions we need democratic values for a democracy to flourish. Without these democratic values these institutions are worthless.

Take the case of India for example. Caste System though pronounced null and void by the law continues to be institutionalised in certain parts of the country. People in these parts of the country simply do not understand the idea of equality. Even worse is the fact that those being abused don’t even know that they as citizens of a democratic India are entitled to certain rights. 

Another example is some of the countries in the Islamic world. In Iraq & Afghanistan, NATO is trying very hard to set-up democratic governments, but do we really expect them to succeed in these cultures where a unilateral view on all aspects of their lives is imposed upon people? Do they believe in the democratic values such as freedom of expression, freedom of religion, equality of sexes and other democratic rights? How will this pack-of-cards strength bearing government succeed and survive if the people itself don’t believe in the values the government is standing on.

So my point is that democratic values and not democratic institutions bring in true freedom. I believe, if overwhelming majority of people in a country believe in democratic values, then any form of government can succeed and survive.

I believe that NATO should focus their energies on instilling democratic values instead of toppling governments which is expensive and unpopular.

So lets not prematurely rejoice when Arab youths are overthrowing dictators. Lets wait and see what do they choose for themselves.

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